Police to increase presence in Dinkytown after assaults

May 07, 2023

"We suspect that a lot of these kids came in for parties related to the end of the school year," said MPD Chief O'Hara.

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MINNEAPOLIS — The reality of what's unfolded in Dinkytown the last few nights is leaving many U of M students and parents concerned.

"Causing property damage, assaulting students, assaulting patrons of restaurants," said Marcia Cotter, whose son is a junior at the 'U'.

Acts that Minneapolis Police Chief Brian O' Hara says are being committed by juveniles.

"We suspect that a lot of these kids came in for parties related to the end of the school year," said Chief O'Hara.

But it was a freighting moment from Friday night captured on video of a person being assaulted outside the Dinkytown Tattoo, by a mob of more than a dozen people, which has many people talking.

"This I think has put a lot of parents over the edge," said Cotter.

Marcia Cotter is a U of M parent and board member with the Campus Safety Coalition.

"This was enough and such an unacceptable situation to have happened that people are really wanting to call this what it is so that we can solve the problem, you cannot solve a problem unless you drill down to the very basics," said Cotter.

A problem that MPD and the University of Minnesota Police Chief Matt Clark say they're addressing as part of a joint effort.

"Literally every day we coordinate on calls that we take, whether it's on or off campus, we coordinate on investigations as well," said Chief Clark. "It's important that the public knows that there was a response, MPD did a great job coordinating that response and it was effective."

Police say at least 4 teens were cited and 6 arrested from a group of more than fifty Friday night.

"I think we were caught a little bit off guard by the size and scope of the problem last night, but that's not going to happen now," said Chief O'Hara.

"In the summers it's going to start picking up again and I think these last couple of nights was just a good indication of what we're going to be in for if they don't get a hold on this," said Cotter.

Chief O'Hara says Minneapolis Police are working with several different law enforcement agencies including state troopers to ensure safety in Dinkytown.

He says you can expect to see more police in the area now through the duration of the summer.

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Source: KARE11.com