World of Warcraft: Dragonflight Returning to Fan-Favorite Dungeon

May 30, 2023

An old favorite instance is coming back to World of Warcraft, though it remains to be determined as to what form it will take. Every World of Warcraft expansion has its iconic dungeons, from Mists of Pandaria's Stormstout Brewery or the Mists of Tirna Scithe from Shadowlands, and as the years go by, nostalgia makes the instances appear even sweeter in their absence. Memories made in the Magisters' Terrace during the final patch of The Burning Crusade linger in the minds of many World of Warcraft veterans.


However, recent World of Warcraft expansions have given dungeons a bigger slice of the endgame pie, as Mythic Keystones have established themselves to be a viable alternative to Heroic and Mythic raiding. In Shadowlands Season 4, Blizzard made the decision to bring back old instances to the keystone roster, and this design philosophy was carried over into Dragonflight from the get-go. Though not seen since Mists of Pandaria, and not part of Dragonflight Season 2, it seems that Blizzard has plans for a certain dungeon from Lordaeron.

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According to recent information gleaned from Patch 10.1.5 by Wowhead, Scholomance is returning to World of Warcraft in a currently unknown capacity. Though the dungeon featured in Mists of Pandaria with a reworked layout, and would lend itself well to becoming part of Dragonflight Season 3, Blizzard Entertainment has something different in mind for Kel'Thuzad's former academy. Two new achievements were discovered in the client pertaining to Scholomance – the first one deals with the journal of Eva Sarkhoff, and the second one deals with the defeat of Kirtonos the Herald. These two NPCs were missing in the Mists of Pandaria version of the instance, which makes their sudden reappearance all the more intriguing.

Though Kirtonos was a special quest boss who could be summoned within the instance itself, the new Scholomance achievement implies that Blizzard is either bringing a Classic version of Scholomance back for a limited event, creating a new version that features both Gandling and Kirtonos, or something else entirely. Coupled with the return of old Naxxramas achievements and cosmetics, as well as the treatment of Zul'Gurub in World of Warcraft Patch 10.0.7, it seems likely that the developers are going through Classic content that was replaced over the years, and allowing new players a chance to at least collect its cosmetics.

As Blizzard Entertainment battles its latest string of controversies, such as adding the Subscription Token to Wrath of the Lich King Classic, Retail players are grateful that the overall direction of Dragonflight has been strong. Embers of Neltharion has been one of the stronger patches in World of Warcraft's long history, and if Dragonflight stays the course, fans could easily remember it as an expansion that rejuvenated the game when it needed it the most.

World of Warcraft: Dragonflight is available now for PC.

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Source: Wowhead

Source: GameRant