Just Like Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth, Final Fantasy 16 Was Going to Ship on Two PS5 Discs

June 17, 2023

Square Enix’s penchant for high quality, pre-rendered 4K cinematics means its games can seriously bloat in size. It was confirmed recently that next year’s Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth will ship on two PS5 Blu-ray discs, and the same was almost true of Final Fantasy 16 – in fact, the developer was only able to squeeze the release onto a single disc in the last six months or so.

Speaking with Famitsu, as translated by Google, producer Naoki Yoshida said that the publisher was preparing to ship the game on two discs, but ultimately the team was able to bring the file size down and thus save manufacturing costs. Obviously this last-minute compression will prove a positive for digital downloaders, too, as there will be less data to pull.

Remember, despite promises to the contrary initially, you will now need to download a small day one patch. That’ll only weigh in around 300MB, though, so shouldn’t cause too many complications for the vast majority of players.

Source: Push Square