World of Warcraft Removes Controversial Quest

June 17, 2023

World of Warcraft players will have one less quest to tackle, as Blizzard decided to remove a controversial quest line from its upcoming update, Fractures in Time. The decision to remove the quest came after World of Warcraft players raised some serious concerns on social media over the quest.

In Fractures in Time, players will find themselves dealing with Time Rifts that will appear throughout the Dragon Isles, and eventually face the Dawn of the Infinite mega-dungeon. While time travel is not new as a concept in World of Warcraft, that has not stopped Blizzard from toying with scenarios that could have happened in the game's main timeline or ended up not coming to pass. However, the Bronze Dragonflight's creed of maintaining one "true timeline" means that some events must come to pass, no matter how bad they are. That rule does not mean players would be willing to aid and abet in certain historical moments.


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As a result, one quest line involving Alexstrasza's captivity during the Second War was removed from the public test realm (PTR) for Fractures in Time. Should these quest have gone on, World of Warcraft players would have joined Chromie on a mission that would have taken them to the Second War and assisted the Dragonmaw Clan of orcs in keeping Alexstrasza prisoner. During that time period, the Life-Binder herself was tortured, assaulted, and forced to lay and hatch dragon eggs against her will, which would then be used as mounts and beasts of burden by the Horde. The Horde itself was also under the control of Gul'dan and the Burning Legion at the time. Following the Second War, the dragons broke free during the Battle of Grim Batol, and the Dragonmaw were forced to flee.

On social media, most World of Warcraft players were disturbed by the notion of having their character potentially aiding and abetting the past Dragonmaw Clan in keeping a beloved character such as Alexstrazsa confined to her fate. In a forum post, Blizzard community manager Bornakk stated that the quest would be removed in a future PTR build, and acknowledged that internal discussion and player comments were driving factors in this decision.

World of Warcraft is available now for PC.

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Source: GameRant