Future Destiny 2 Seasons Should Avoid One Season of the Deep Side Effect

July 23, 2023

Highlights Fishing is currently prioritized over completing Public Events in Destiny 2 due to higher rewards and a laid-back experience.

The clash between fishing and public events in the game has caused players to rush through events just to get back to fishing.

Destiny 2 should avoid conflicts between activities and instead create overlapping features for a more enjoyable and rewarding player experience.

Before fishing is likely removed from the game, most players are currently prioritizing this activity over completing Public Events in Destiny 2. Not to mention, even on the highest difficulty, Heroic public events aren't particularly rewarding at the moment, especially compared to fishing. Ultimately, players currently have more reasons than not for preferring fishing to public events, which is what makes it a cause for concern that fishing suffers from these two activities clashing with each other. In the future of Destiny 2 beyond Season of the Deep, new content should be more mindful to avoid clashing with existing activities in favor of overlapping for mutual benefits instead.

Fishing in Destiny 2 is a fairly popular activity since it is very laid-back and pays relatively well in terms of loot, even more so now that there is a new Exotic weapon that requires players to catch rare fish. With the help of nearby players, guardians can acquire the Focused Fishing buff to increase the quality of rewards while fishing, so it’s in everyone’s best interest to keep Focused Fishing topped off regardless of attempting to get the new Exotic weapon. However, Destiny 2’s public events will periodically prevent players from fishing for its duration, and it will also restart the Focused Fishing buff for everyone in the area. This particular conflict has only grown more problematic over time since the new Exotic weapon quest has been added, and future Destiny 2 content should use this as a learning opportunity.

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Destiny 2’s Fishing Activity Puts Public Events in a Tough Spot

Given that fishing conflicts with public events, it has severely impacted the way that players are approaching public events in Destiny 2, at least for the time being. Instead of upgrading public events to Heroic difficulty for better completion rewards, players are rushing through to complete public events as quickly as possible just to get back to fishing. There hasn’t been an official mention of exactly how long fishing will be available in Destiny 2, although if it follows the patterns of previous content, it will likely retire when the Final Shape expansion launches or potentially at the end of Season of the Deep.

Although there is an existing workaround to mitigate the impact that public events have on fishing, perhaps it would have been better for fishing and public events to never conflict in the first place. As it currently stands though, public events are the bane of fishing in Destiny 2 for as long as these activities conflict with each other the way that they do. It’s still not too late to overhaul fishing and remove the conflict with public events, but at any rate, future Destiny 2 content would be wise to steer clear of this kind of conflict.

Destiny 2 Should Make More Features and Content Overlap With Each Other

Part of the main appeal for completing bounties in Destiny 2 is how their progress often overlaps and allows players to maximize their rewards. These overlapping progression systems extend into other parts of Destiny 2 and are often the main influence for players to complete certain activities throughout any given weekly reset to get the most out of their playtime. With this in mind, a lack of overlapping progression systems or conflict with other activities can often deter players from engaging in certain activities, like what is happening with fishing and public events.

A popular complaint floating around the community is how slow and tedious certain parts of Destiny 2’s seasonal story content can be. Some of the progression requirements throughout the seasonal storylines have a habit of making players repeat previously completed activities in cases where the requirements could have been retroactive. With how common this has been throughout the seasonal storylines, Destiny 2 should lean into future activities and content that synergizes with other existing parts of the game.

Destiny 2 is available on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

MORE: Destiny 2 Season of the Deep's New Exotic Scout Rifle May Indicate the Future of Fishing

Source: GameRant